All District Documents


  • Clubs & Activities Booklet
  • American Sign Language (ASL)
    We aim to actively practice the basics of ASL and learn more about deaf culture. Students will be invited to sign regularly and will gain a greater appreciation for and understanding of the deaf community.
  • Black Student Union
    The goal of this organization is to foster a fun and safe environment that engages our students in discussions on issues affecting black students and our surrounding communities. We hope to educate our members and challenge them to take action, whether it be internal or external. We hope to lead by example and push students to be better than their best. We hope to show past generations that we will take charge of our future, dismantle the negative stereotypes, build and secure our sense of community, and influence the world.
  • Car Club
    Our mission is to increase opportunities for people to learn about and participate in a car community and car culture. We hope that this will be a place where people can express their interest in cars and come together as a community to promote camaraderie and safety.
  • Chess Club
  • Circle of Friends
    We provide a place for persons with disabilities to gain social experiences through interaction with peer mentors without disabilities. Circle of Friends is a group of identified and non‐identified people who agree to meet regularly to act as peer mentors and a support system for each other.
  • Computer Science Honor Society
  • DECA/Business Club
    DECA is a national business club that prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management.
  • Dungeons & Dragons Club
    Greetings Adventurers! If you have never played but always wanted to, this club is for you. If you are an experienced player wanting to try DMing, this club is also for you. We run several campaigns during club time for people of all experience levels. Resources will be available for those interested.
  • Environmental Club
    Do you feel concerned about pollution, climate change, and wildlife? It has been said that "Action is the best antidote to anxiety." In Environmental Club, we think globally and act locally, working to make WRHS more environmentally aware and sustainable.
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes
  • Future Farmers of America
    FFA is an agricultural leadership organization for students who have an interest in the various areas related to the Agricultural industry including animals, plants, and the environment. We participate in several activities and contests throughout the year including Horse Judging, Veterinary Science, Public Speaking, Horticulture, Job Interviews, Food Science, and more. We also participate in State and National Conventions and a variety of social events.
  • Gay/Straight Alliance
    Gay‐Straight Alliance is a group of young people who strive towards tolerance for all. This includes lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, ethnic, gender etc. Our group conducts activities to promote the acceptance of all individuals.
  • Hispanic American Leadership Organization (HALO)
    HALO provides a social and cultural environment to support and empower WRHS Hispanic/Latin students, increases educational achievement and post-secondary opportunities by encouraging them to attend college and develop leadership skills, and promotes Hispanic cultural appreciation and awareness.
  • HOSA
    HOSA provides a unique program of leadership development, motivation, and recognition exclusively for secondary, postsecondary, adult, and collegiate students enrolled in health science education and biomedical science programs or who have an interest in pursuing careers in health professions.
  • KAY Club
    The Kansas Association for Youth (KAY) is a character-building, leadership training, service program directed by the Kansas State High School Activities Association. This nationally acclaimed organization provides students an opportunity to learn to assume their citizenship responsibilities and to enrich their personalities through well-organized programs, projects, and parties.
  • Letters of Love
    Started by a teenager in memory of her mom, our club is part of an international organization geared toward promoting kindness and love.
  • Make a Difference
    The members of Make a Difference work to bring about equality by being inclusive to all people. We value expanding our knowledge of other cultures by embracing diversity. Students strive to set an example for each other, lift each other up, and change the world through small but powerful acts. We are here to Make a Difference!
  • Math Club
  • Model UN
    We will participate in The Topeka Model United Nations. This is a two-day simulation for assigned student delegations to represent their country's point of view on a variety of topical issues. The simulation is designed to encourage debate, foster cooperation, and assist young leaders resolving problems diplomatically.
  • National Art Honor Society/Art Club
    National Art Honor Society is a group of students interested in art and community service. We work on murals and other community projects to benefit and beautify our society by using art for social change.
  • National Honor Society
  • National Technical Honor Society (NTHS)
    The National Technical Honor Society is the acknowledged leader in the recognition of outstanding student achievement in career and technical education.
  • Renaissance Club
    Renaissance provides an outlet for students to practice leadership skills in their school and community and offers excellent experiences for their future endeavors. Various events will be held throughout the year. We work to improve the school’s climate and culture.
  • Robotics Club/Young Engineering Society
    The students will design and build a robotics project. The project will be entered into the annual competition. Additionally, students will collaborate on independent projects that involve technology and creative problem‐solving.
  • Sources of Strength
    We are a group of diverse students and adults from many different corners and cultures of our school and community. We believe that life has ups and downs, and that all of us will go through good times and tough times. Our mission is to ensure that during the rough times no one gets so overwhelmed or hopeless that they want to give up.
  • Strength and Conditioning
    The WRHS Strength and Conditioning Club is designed to allow students to learn and/or improve exercise techniques and athletic performance enhancement.
  • Theatre Club
    This is the place for anyone interested in the various aspects of theatre from acting and improv comedy to design or ushering. Thespians form a community of friends as we attend local productions and events together, support the needs of our school productions, and participate in festival events at the state and national levels.
  • Ultimate Frisbee
    The mission of the Ultimate Frisbee Club is to provide interested students with a safe and inclusive environment to have fun while being physically active. The club will do this by teaching students the sport of ultimate frisbee and providing opportunities to play.
  • World Cultures Club
    This club will be composed of students who are interested in other cultures. We will explore various cultures through games, food, presentations, and cultural celebrations.
  • Yo-Yo Club
    Yo-Yo Club was created to appreciate Yo-Yoing and foster the development of Yo-Yo-related skills. Club days consist of veteran members practicing and sharing tricks ranging from simple to advanced and helping teach new members the basics. Yo-Yo Club and its members hope to make a positive and welcoming space for anyone interested in starting or practicing the hobby of Yo-Yoing.
  • Young Democrats
    Activities include guest speakers, joint meetings with the Young Republicans, volunteer opportunities at school and for the Democratic Party, and lively discussions.
  • Young Republicans
    Activities include guest speakers, joint meetings with the Young Democrats, volunteer opportunities at school and for the Republican Party, and lively discussions.
  • Air Force JROTC
    Air Force JROTC offers students the chance to learn about the history and science of flight, space exploration, and drill, while developing leadership qualities that are needed in today's environment. This is done with both academic lessons and dynamic field trips.
  • Band
  • Cheerleading
    Cheerleaders are a spirited group that represents and supports WRHS athletics year-round. They cheer in the fall for football and in the winter for girls' and boys' basketball.
  • Common Grounds (Marketing Management)
    This course continues to expand the students' marketing skills with an emphasis on business management and entrepreneurship. Students will manage and operate Common Grounds, gaining experience with customer service/human relations, inventory, sales, promotion, and product development.
  • Dancin' Blues
    It is the purpose of the WRHS Dancin' Blues to promote and develop school spirit and good sportsmanship at athletic events, to encourage attendance at school events, and to provide entertainment at a level of excellence as to be a source of pride to the school and the Dancin’ Blues.
  • Debate
  • Drama & Technical Theatre
    Like to "Act Up"? We have acting and performance classes where you can learn everything from basic acting to stage combat! Are you an artist, carpenter, computer whiz, electronic guru, or just like to get your hands on everything around you? We have technical theatre classes where you can learn how to design and build sets, program and run a light board, design costumes, design and apply stage makeup, and much, much more.
  • Forensics
    This class allows students to write speeches, act, and/or debate current events by performing at weekend tournaments around the Topeka area.
  • Freshman Mentoring Program
    FMP provides upperclassmen leaders an opportunity to build rapport with freshman students to make their transition to WRHS a positive experience.
  • Newspaper (Blue Streak)
    The Blue Streak provides students with "hands‐on" experience in writing, designing, editing as well as taking pictures for the school's newspaper. Students will learn the importance of teamwork, cooperation, leadership, and dependability.
  • Orchestra
  • Scholar's Bowl
    Students will study, practice, and compete in the annual Scholar's Bowl competitions sponsored by the State Activities Association.
  • Science Olympiad
    Students will compete in the annual Science Olympiad.
  • Student Council
    The Student Council at WRHS is a student organization dedicated to planning school events, being involved in school and community service projects, serving as ambassadors to the school, and improving school spirit and pride. Some of our projects include Homecoming, Adopt-A-Family, Spirit Days, Winter Formal, and Washburn Rural's Hall of Fame Ceremony. Only members of the Student Council are eligible to run for class office.
  • The Shack (Marketing Applications)
    The Shack provides students with "hands-on" experience and an understanding of marketing with an emphasis on product development, pricing, advertising, and collaboration with businesses, staff, and students. Students will be required to create new products, fill orders, promote products, manage inventory, manage revenues and expenses, and operate machinery.
  • Vocal Music
  • WRHS Bank (Banking & Finance)
    This class will provide students with an overview of the American monetary and banking system as well as types of financial institutions and the services and products they offer. Course content may include government regulations; checking, savings, and money market accounts; loans; and investments. Students will manage the day-to-day operations of the WRHS Bank and provide services to Common Grounds, the Shack, The Cookie Shack, and WRHS PTO.
  • Yearbook (The Chimes)
    The Chimes staff produces the yearbook. Staff members develop design, reporting, and writing skills. Photographers shoot a variety of activities. The class also offers experience and skill‐building for students in leadership and decision‐making. Come help us make a great yearbook!