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Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Our sixth grade math classes brought a whole zoo to life while learning about calculating area and volume.
Let us know your favorites in the comments!
Thank you Mrs. K LaCount for such a fun and creative activity!
Don't forget that Smencil and Smens sales continue this week! All proceeds go to benefit the 5th and 6th grade promoting classes and the Jse Pto! Meet us in the foyer each morning this week at 8:25 to shop!
6th grade Blue Jay, Rishik(Luv) Sinha, competed during his Spring Break in the Sunflower State Spelling Bee. Out of over 90 participants he was in the top 20. Please join us in congratulating him.
Wanna hear a joke about pizza? Nevermind, it’s too cheesy 😂
All jokes aside…tomorrow sounds like the perfect time for a pizza party for lunch or dinner.
Way to go Mackenzie Bird! A beautiful piece!
Join us for our PTO meeting tonight 6:00 in the JSE library
We had a wonderful night at the second annual Jay Shideler Art Show! Our amazing art teacher, Ms. Lynch, and all Jay Shideler students put in so much work to make our Metamorphosis show a huge success!
Three of our sixth-grade Blue Jays, Quaid, Rishik (Luv), and Kye, had the honor of serving as pages for Senator Brenda Dietrich and meeting Governor Laura Kelly yesterday at the State Capitol building. All three boys agreed that their favorite parts of the day included the building's dome tour, paging, and the snack bar.