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Three Wanamaker students competed in the K-3 category at the 2025 Kansas State Chess Championship, held on March 15th, 2025, at Emporia University.

The competition was fierce, with 59 students participating, each playing six one-hour matches. The combined efforts of the students contributed to this remarkable achievement for the school.

Kushaan Chaurasia (3rd Grade) won 2nd place individually in the K3 category, helping to secure the school’s overall 2nd place finish. Additionally, Jay Kamble (3rd Grade) placed 5th, and Pranith Reddy Mandapati (2nd Grade) finished 14th, further adding to the school’s success.

The results have been published on the official website: KSCA State Championship Standings.
(see tab "K-3 Team Stand" for the team’s final stats and "K-3 Ind Stand" for individual standings and stats).

This accomplishment reflects the hard work, determination, and strong teamwork of all involved. Congratulations to all three students! Amazing job!

Kindergarten Roundup is just around the corner on Friday, April 4, 2025. For more information and to register, visit

Please note that students must be 5 years old on or before August 31, 2025, to attend kindergarten in the 2025-2026 school year.

Check out the latest in the library as we wrap up the 3rd quarter!
Wanamaker Library Newsletter
Thank You for a Successful Book Fair! Once again, the annual Scholastic Book Fair held in February during Parent -Teacher conferences was...

Today's spirit day- Wear something from where you've been or where you want to go!

Wanamaker Elementary School

Kindergarten, 1st Grade, and Mrs. Reinert wanted to share information about Read Across America Week, also known as Dr. Seuss Week. We would also like to invite you to celebrate reading with us! We plan on celebrating from Monday, March 3rd to Friday, March 7th. See the attached image for the spirit days.

Reminder that the Wanamaker food pantry is open now until 6:30 tonight at Fellowship Bible Church next door to the school.

Tonight's PTA meeting has been moved up to 5pm due to the weather forecast.
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Tomorrow is Wear Fun Socks Day!!