Upcoming Events
- 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
- 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM
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Social Media
We had the Washburn University football team here this morning for our High Five Friday. They greeted our Wanamaker students at the buses and through our car rider lines with high fives. It was an AMAZING way to start our morning!
A Message from the PTA
Wanamaker Families,
We still have a few classes that are in need of snacks/drink/paper good donations for Tuesday’s class Valentine’s parties. If you’re able to donate any of these items, please check out the link below.
Please click this link to sign up to volunteer to help with the Book Fair
Please click this link to sign up for drink donations for teachers for conferences!/showSignUp/4090E4DA9AE2CA1F58-54902226-parent
It's a great day when you get to hear an author read aloud his newest book, before it's even been released into the world! That's exactly what the WE 3rd graders experienced today! We had a virtual visit with Josh Funk, author of many picture books, including the Lady Pancake and Sir French Toast series. Thank you, Josh, for taking the time to celebrate World Read Aloud Day with us and making a difference with our students!
Parent / Teacher conferences are next week! If you have not yet signed up for your conference, please follow this link to sign up.
Please sign up for Wanamaker Spring PT Conferences activities on today!
Tomorrow's spirit day is - Training Camp Tuesday - Wear your best workout gear to train for the big game!
This upcoming Saturday, February 8th, the Washburn University cheer and dance teams will be hosting a MiniBods clinic for children ages 5-12 from 9am-12noon in the Petro Allied Health Center’s Dance Studio on the Washburn University Campus. Children will have the opportunity to perform what they learned during halftime of our Men’s Basketball game that begins at 3pm. (Our men are undefeated this season with a 20-0 record! It’ll surely be a game to remember!) Registration for the clinic is $40 and will include T-shirt, hairbow and light snacks/refreshments. Children will get in FREE to the game and all spectators will receive a discounted ticket price of $5 per ticket. I’ve attached a link below for registration. Pre-registration is advised however, we will take walk up registrations on the day of if needed. Children may wear comfortable clothes to play, dance and tumble in with socks and tennis shoes. Thank you and GO BODS!
Since there is so much sickness right now, here is a reminder about our policy. If you child has a fever, is throwing up, or has diarrhea, they must stay home until they are symptom free for 24 hours WITHOUT the help of medication. Please help us to keep the students and staff healthy.
Sharing the latest in the WE Library as we slide into February...and Book Fair time!
Wanamaker Library Newsletter
Please come and enjoy our book fair this year!
Mon., Feb. 10- 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Tues., Feb. 11-- 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Wed., Feb. 12-- 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Thurs., Feb. 113-- 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Fri., Feb. 14-- Closed-- No School
to sign up to volunteer at our fair or for more information.