
Meetings are held in the Washburn Rural Middle School cafeteria starting at 6:00 PM.

November 4, 2024
December 2, 2024
January 13, 2025
February 3, 2025
March 3, 2025
April 7, 2025
May 5, 2025

Amazon Team Wish Lists

Our PTO Board decided to have each team create an Amazon Wish List of items to help with their classrooms. Many of the items are reward incentives for students, but also include teacher supplies/equipment and book sets for one team. If you'd like to support your child's team of teachers, please feel free to open the link and purchase any of the items on their wish list.


Position Name Email
Co-President Amanda Martinez akw2m@hotmail.com
Co-President Kristina Rottler thefrostedcake@yahoo.com
Secretary Ashley Holz holz.ashley@yahoo.com
Treasurer Kyrstin Talley Kyrstin.talley@gmail.com
7th Grade Rep Emily Schneider emilyschneider.29@gmail.com
7th Grade Rep Hanna Dobelbower hdobelbower@hotmail.com
7th Grade Rep Whitney Shaull whitneywelch20@icloud.com