Rules & Safety Information

School bus safety is all about knowing what to do, and what not to do, to ensure you get to school safely. Become a safe rider; learn and practice the school bus safety rules.


  1. Follow the directions of the driver the first time directions are given.
  2. Be courteous and respectful of other persons and property.
  3. Use appropriate language and tone when speaking.
  4. Remain seated and keep all body parts and personal belongings in the bus and out of the aisle.
  5. Be on time when meeting the bus.

Additionally, eating, drinking, using tobacco products, and possessing dangerous objects are not allowed on any bus. Drivers are not allowed to let a child off at a stop which is not their own without permission from a parent. Students must have a note stamped or signed by school personnel and returned to the driver.


  • First Warning — the driver verbally warns student.
  • Second Warning — the student is given an assigned seat and has conference with driver after other students exit the bus.
  • First Notice — a conduct notice is given to the student and their principal; this notice must be signed by a parent and returned to the driver before the student may return to the bus.
  • Second Notice — a conduct notice is given to the student and their principal; the notice must be signed by a parent and returned to the driver before the student may return to the bus. Parents will receive a letter from transportation notifying them that receipt of a third notice may result in suspension from the bus.
  • Third Notice — a conduct notice is given to the student and their principal. The transportation supervisor will make a recommendation to the principal for suspension of riding privileges (length to determined by offense). Parents will be contacted by the principal.
  • Severe Clause — same as Third Notice.

Designated Pick-up and Drop-off

Auburn-Washburn USD 437 Board of Education policy entitles each student to only one designated pick-up address and one designated drop-off address. These two addresses may be different, but each must remain consistent.

If your child is to ride with a friend or needs to be dropped off at another location in your school's attendance due to emergency, we must be notified by telephone or a note. Notification is required even if your child is going to be dropped off at a different stop on his or her regular route. These policies ensure accountability of students on the bus.

Safety Rules

  1. Getting ready for school:
    • Use a backpack or school bag to carry everything you need so items are not dropped or lost on the way to school.
    • Wear bright-colored clothing to become more visible to drivers. Fluorescent or retro-reflective material will also enhance visibility, especially in the early morning hours.
    • Leave home with enough time to walk to the bus stop and arrive before the bus is due. We request that student arrive five minutes prior to their scheduled pick-up time.
  2. Waiting at the bus stop:
    • Running games, pushing, and shoving are not allowed at the bus stop. These behaviors are extremely dangerous near traffic.
  3. Boarding and disembarking the bus:
    • Remain six or more feet away from the bus until the driver indicates it is safe to board. At this distance, you will be able to see the driver, and the driver will be able to see you. If you must cross the street to board the bus, wait until the driver signals that it is safe for you to cross. Keep your eyes on the driver, and only cross in front of the bus.
    • Never pick-up anything dropped near the bus. Tell the bus driver, and follow the driver's instructions to retrieve the item. If you bend down to pick up objects, the bus driver may not be able to see you, which can result in an accident as the driver pulls away from the stop.
    • Look to your right as you begin to leave the bus. Drivers of other vehicles could try to illegally pass on the right side of the bus.