
Contact Information
- Debbie Williams
- (785) 339-4705
Dear Jaguar Families,
On behalf of the staff at Pauline Central Primary School, welcome to the 2024-25 school year! We are thrilled to invite our students back on campus, ready to embark on an incredible year of learning. This school year we will welcome our students and families back to school in our newly renovated building thanks to the generous support of our Auburn-Washburn community. We value your positive partnership and dedication to excellence throughout your child's academic journey at PC!
At Pauline Central, your child will establish the building blocks for success through our research-based framework of support known as Ci3T (Comprehensive Integrated 3-Tiered System of Support) This framework ensures that each child's unique academic, social, emotional, and behavioral needs are met. Our school-wide expectations focus on being safe, respectful, and responsible, and are modeled, taught, and reinforced daily. Our staff stands ready, willing, and able to support your child's academic, behavioral, and social-emotional needs throughout each day.
Although the Pauline Central school community has many excellent attributes, one of the most notable is the care and compassion that exists between our students, staff, and parents and the multitude of ways it is exemplified each day. Pauline Central is a place where students establish a strong foundation for future learning, explore and expand their understanding of the world, and make cherished memories. We believe in the potential for ALL students to achieve at high levels and are committed to providing the support and resources necessary for your child to excel.
Remember, in our school, incredible isn't just a possibility, it's a promise. Together, let's continue to make the incredible happen here, every single day.
Warm regards,
Debbie Williams