AEB: School Year and Learning Opportunities

Prolonged or Shortened School Year

The board may prolong or shorten the regular academic year. The superintendent shall be responsible for preparing a plan and presenting it to the board, as necessary. The board may prolong or shorten the regularly scheduled academic year because of the following types of circumstances which are stated by way of illustration and not by way of limitation: adverse weather conditions, building maintenance problems, personnel problems, public health reasons, or budgetary problems.

Should the school year be shortened by board action, the board must take steps to ensure the school term provided includes at least the minimum number of days or hours required by Kansas law.

Additional Learning Opportunities for Students

The board may require additional learning opportunities for students not meeting minimum academic or behavioral standards as defined by the board or as outlined in board policy and/or handbook language. Students may be assigned to additional academic sessions taking place:

  • before- or after-school;
  • Saturday; and/or
  • summer sessions.

Truancy laws, suspension and expulsion policies and law, and all appropriate portions of the student behavior code shall apply during additional academic sessions.

Approved: August 15, 2016