Returning Families
If you have at least one student enrolled in grades K-12 for the current/recently finished school year, you are considered a returning family.
Online Registration Steps
Only the primary parent/guardian of the student's primary residence may complete the online registration. If you need a Campus Portal account, contact your school to sign-up for one.
- Log in to your Campus Portal account.
- Locate "More" in the lower left hand side.
- Select "Online Registration" from the list.
- Select the link "Click here to go to Existing Student Registration."
- Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the registration:
- Much of your information will be pre-populated and requires only your verification.
- Certain information, such as names and dates of birth, can only be corrected by your school. Please notify us if this type of information needs altered.
Next Steps
Return to the Registration page for additional information.