KGDA: Public Conduct on School Property
The superintendent or the superintendent's designee may deny access to the school buildings, facilities, and/or grounds of the district to persons who have no lawful business to pursue at the school, persons who are acting in a manner disruptive or disturbing to the normal educational functions of the school, or persons who are on school property in violation of Board and/or building policy. Administrative personnel may demand identification and evidence of qualification for access of anyone desiring to use or come upon the premises of the particular school or facility.
Persons, including parents or persons acting as parents, who have legitimate reasons for being on school property must nevertheless abide by policies adopted by the board and building policies specifically applicable to each school. Such building policies shall be published annually in the school handbook and shall be posted at the school in a conspicuous place visible to all who enter the premises. (Visitors must secure and wear a visitor's pass to enter school buildings during the school day.)
Anyone who refuses or fails to leave district buildings, facilities, and/or grounds after being requested to do so by an authorized district employee shall be considered to be trespassing in violation of Kansas law. In such case, the police will be contacted, and arrest and criminal charges may result.
The administration will determine if the individual who has been asked to leave a district building, facility or grounds is allowed to return in the future. If the individual is not to return in the future, the appropriate "Trespass Notification" is to be sent to the individual.
Approved: September 2, 2014