JGCC: Communicable Diseases

Any student noted by a physician, or the school nurse, or local health officer as having a communicable disease may be excluded from school for the duration of the illness. The student will be readmitted to regular classes upon termination of the illness, as authorized by the student's physician, the local health officer, or after the expiration of any period of isolation or quarantine.

The board reserves the right to require a written statement from the student's physician or local health officer indicating that the student is free from all symptoms of the disease.

If a student is absent from regular classes for more than three consecutive days or the principal has been notified that a student has or is suspected of having a communicable disease, the principal shall determine whether a release shall be obtained from the student's physician or local health department before the student reenters school.

Decisions regarding the type of education and the setting for provision of educational services for a student with a communicable disease shall be based on the child's medical condition, the child's educational needs, and the expected type of interaction with others in the educational setting. Final decisions will be made by school administration after receiving input from the student's physician, public health personnel, the student's parent or guardian, and personnel associated with the proposed care or educational setting.

Approved: February 20, 2023