JDDA: Drug Free Schools

Maintaining drug free schools is important in establishing an appropriate learning environment for the district's students. The unlawful possession, use, sale or distribution of illicit drugs, and/or simulated drugs, and alcohol by students on school premises or as a part of any school activity is prohibited.

Possession, use, and/or being under the influence of a controlled substance by a student for the purposes of this policy shall only be permitted if such substance was:

  1. Obtained directly from, or pursuant to a valid prescription or order, issued to such student from a person licensed by the state to dispense, prescribe, or administer controlled substances;
  2. In the case of use or possession, approved and administered, if administered at all, in accordance with board policy JGFGB and/or board policy JGFGBA; and
  3. Used, if at all, in accordance with label directions.

Student Conduct

As a condition of continued enrollment in the district, students shall abide by the terms of this policy.

Students shall not unlawfully manufacture, sell, distribute, dispense, possess or use illicit drugs, and/or simulated drugs or controlled substances or alcoholic beverages at school or on school district property, or at any school activity. Any student violating the terms of this policy will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement officials, and will be subject to consequences up to and including expulsion (see student handbook).

Students who are suspended or expelled under the terms of this policy will be afforded the due process rights contained in board policies and Kansas statutes K.S.A. 72-6114, et seq. Nothing in this policy is intended to diminish the ability of the district to take other disciplinary action against the student in accordance with other policies governing student discipline. Drug and alcohol counseling and rehabilitation programs are available for district students. If a student agrees to enter and complete a drug education or rehabilitation program, the cost of such program will be borne by the student and his or her parents.

A list of available programs along with names and addresses of contact persons for each program is on file with the board clerk. Parents or students should contact the directors of the programs to determine the cost and length of the program.

A copy of this policy will be provided to all students and the parents of all students. Parents of all students will be notified that compliance with this policy is mandatory.

Approved: June 28, 2018