IKI: Lesson Plans
Each teacher shall develop, maintain and follow lesson plans which align conform to the board approved curriculum, the district's educational goals and the expected student learning indicators at the designated levels of priority. Principals shall establish methods to regularly review teacher lesson plans.
It is the teacher's responsibility to implement the district's board approved curriculum. Teachers will develop lessons using indicators derived from the district's curriculum guides. Varied research based instructional strategies will be used based upon the individual learning styles and needs of each student to ensure achievement of mastery. A variety of assessments will be utilized to measure students' achievement of the grade level or course indicators. Lesson planning parameters include:
- Written lesson plans shall be required in USD 437.
- There is no district-wide lesson format. Sites and/or departments will develop lesson plan formats under the supervision of the principal.
- All lesson plans will operationalize the board approved curriculum of the district.
- All lessons will be referenced to the indicators in the board approved curriculum guides.
- Written lesson plans will be routinely monitored by the principals.
Approved: September 7, 2010