IKDA: Religious Objections to Activities

A parent or guardian (or a student eighteen years of age or older) may request that the student be excused from participating in activities for religious reasons. The parent, guardian, or adult student must complete the district opt-out form for religious objections, stating the specific activity, the portion of the curriculum in which the activity exists, and the reasons for the request. The request may be granted, or denied, or partially granted and partially denied.

This policy shall not be interpreted to allow parents to prevent the dissemination of information which parents find religiously objectionable. Rather, this policy only extends to actual participation by their child in an activity, the performance of which is contrary to the child's religious teachings.

A parent or guardian seeking to opt-out their child from activities contrary to the child's religious teachings must complete the district's Activity Participation Opt-Out Form regarding religious objections which is available in the board office. Parents desiring to opt-out their children from activities due to religious reasons must return the completed and signed form to the principal. The form must be submitted within a reasonable amount of time prior to the scheduled activity in order to allow time for the principal to consider the request. The completed form shall be kept on file with the clerk and the superintendent shall receive a copy.

The principal shall review the request and determine whether the request should be granted or denied. The principal shall notify the parents of the decision within a reasonable amount of time after the request is submitted. If the parents are dissatisfied with the principal's decision, they may appeal, in writing, to the superintendent.

If the opt-out request is granted, students who opt-out of activities for religious reasons may still be required to view the activity, to learn the subject matter of the activity, or to discuss the activity. The student may be reassigned during the activity or given alternative class assignments.

Opt-out requests must be submitted annually and are valid only for the school year in which they are submitted.

Approved: March 1, 2010