IE: Instructional Arrangements

Each building principal shall organize the instructional program in a manner compatible with these policies.

Class Size

Class size shall be determined by: class enrollment, teacher availability, budget, and facility limitations.  

Scheduling for Instruction

Class schedules shall be developed to meet district instructional goals and learning objectives.


The administration shall develop and coordinate pre-enrollment activities each spring.

Class Size Guidelines

Elementary Level: Class size in kindergarten should normally not exceed 20 students. Class size in grades one through three should normally not exceed 22 students. Class size in grades four through six should normally not exceed 25 students. Exceptions to these guidelines may be made by the principals due to the factors as listed in the policy statement above.

Principals are expected to evenly balance class sizes among grade level sections as much as possible.

Secondary Level: Class size shall be determined by the factors listed in the policy statement above.

Teacher aides may be made available in classrooms which exceed the class size guidelines as stated in this rule.

Approved: June 29, 2015