IDA: Instructional Program

The academic program shall assist students to grow intellectually, to learn the curriculum indicators at appropriate levels of priority, and to prepare for further education or training. The board shall consider the district's instructional program on a regular schedule. When approved, the program shall constitute the district's curriculum.

Curriculum Guides

Subject area written curriculum guides shall be developed for all grade levels and courses in the district. Guides will include the curriculum indicators expected at that particular grade level or course at the determined levels of priority. Each guide, when approved by the board, shall become a part of these policies and rules by reference.

Educational Goals and District Curriculum Indicators

District educational goals and curriculum guides including the approved indicators for the basic educational program shall be on file in the district office, and available for inspection upon request. (See CN)

Other Educational Programs

Other educational programs provided by the district shall be in one of the following categories: Special Programs (IDAA), Support Programs (IDAB) and Exceptional Programs (IDAC).

Approved: September 7, 2010