HAI: Negotiations Procedures

The time, place, duration, notification, agenda and rules of order shall be as agreed by the board team and teachers' team.

Distribution of Information

Board distribution of information concerning negotiating sessions shall be discretionary with the board.

Research Assistance

Upon request, the board shall furnish to the association any information which is public record. Information not currently available in the form requested by the association, at the discretion of the board, may be supplied if the association reimburses the board for any additional expenses. (See CN)

Minutes and Records

One member of the board's team shall be designated to keep reasonably detailed minutes and records of all negotiating sessions. Following each session, a person shall transcribe the minutes and notes and distribute the minutes to the board.

Reporting to Staff and Board

The board shall, through the superintendent, be fully advised as to the status of negotiations. The board shall be furnished copies of the minutes and records of each session. The board shall, through the superintendent, report to the staff information as the board deems advisable.

Reporting to the Media and Public

The board reserves the right to release to the media and public information regarding negotiations, according to the ground rules agreed to by the board team and the teachers' team.

Approved: January 19, 2010