GAABA: Confidential Information and Privacy Rights
District employees may have ongoing opportunities to access confidential information or records that are only available to the public on a limited review basis. Much of the information processed by district employees is confidential, and law governs its release (e.g., driver record and vehicle registration information, confidential student records, background checks, information obtained pursuant to Department for Children and Families interventions, social security numbers, and professional misconduct investigations.)
Employees are prohibited from divulging information contained in the records and files of the district, except to other, authorized employees who may need such information in connection with their duties and to authorized persons or agencies only in accordance with law, district policies, and administrative rules.
If an employee is approached to provide information inappropriately, the employee must refuse to release the requested information unless authorized by his/her supervisor or otherwise required to release the information under law or court order. In all cases, the employee's immediate supervisor shall be informed immediately of any requests.
Any employee who inappropriately releases information or uses confidential information obtained in the course of his/her employment with the district for personal reasons or private gain will be disciplined in accordance with Board policies, applicable Negotiated Agreement and/or handbooks, and district procedures. Disciplinary action may include penalties, up to and including, termination.
Approved: October 1, 2012