EBBD: Evacuations and Emergencies

If an emergency interferes with the normal conduct of school affairs, students may be dismissed from school only by the superintendent or superintendent's designee. A plan for emergency dismissal of students during the school day shall be developed by the superintendent and approved by the board. A copy shall be filed with the clerk, and procedures for dismissal shall be given to parents and students at the beginning of each school year.

In an emergency when the safety of students and/or staff is better served by remaining at school, students will not be released, nor will school be dismissed early.

During an emergency period when there is insufficient warning time, the district will keep all students under school jurisdiction and supervision. The staff shall remain on duty to supervise students during this time.

School-Closing Announcements

When the superintendent believes the safety of students is threatened by severe weather, health or safety concerns, or other circumstances, parents and students shall be notified of school closings or cancellations by announcements made over radio/TV station(s).

Bomb Threats

If there is a bomb threat or similar emergency, the principal shall see that students are escorted to a safe place. The principal shall notify law enforcement agencies of the threat and request a thorough inspection of the buildings and grounds. Other contingencies as noted in the crisis plan shall be followed. If it is determined that no danger exists to the students' safety, and, if there is time remaining in the school day, school shall be resumed.

Planning for Emergencies

Each building principal shall develop appropriate emergency procedures which shall be included in the district's crisis plans. As appropriate, portions of the crisis plan developed shall be held in strict confidence by staff members having direct responsibility for implementing the plan.

Approved: February 5, 2024