DJED: Bids and Quotations Requirements
All purchases requiring competitive bids shall be made in accordance with current statutes.
The purchasing agent shall develop and maintain lists of potential suppliers. Bid lists shall be used to notify potential suppliers.
Any supplier may be included in the list upon request. All bid lists shall be reviewed annually by the purchasing agent.
A copy of this policy shall be given to all bidders upon request.
All bids and supporting documentation shall be retained in the district office for a period of three years after bids have been opened.
Bid Specifications
All bid specifications shall be written by the district's purchasing agent. Specifications shall include, when necessary: required performance, surety, bid and statutory bond information; compliance with preferential bid law; financial statements; the board's right to reject any or all bids; compliance with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations; the date, time and place for the opening of bids; and other items as the board directs.
The board shall avoid negotiation of bid specifications after bids have been accepted and shall correct specifications if they are inadequately written and request new bids. If an error is discovered in the bid specifications all bids shall be returned unopened and the project shall be rebid using corrected and/or amended specifications.
All bids must be submitted to the purchasing agent or other person designated by the board in sealed envelopes with the name of the bidder and the date of the bid plainly marked in the lower left-hand corner of the envelope. All bids shall be opened publicly on the stated day and time. Any bids received after the stated day and time shall not be considered. All bidders and other interested persons may be present when the bids are opened.
Bids may be opened by the purchasing agent or other person designated by the board and such opening shall be witnessed by one other district employee. The bids shall then be arranged in order from low to high before they are presented to the board for action.
Responsible Bidder
All bids shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. The board remains the sole judge of whether or not a bidder is "responsible." Criteria that may be used to judge "responsible", by way of illustration and not limitation, are: financial standing, reputation, experience, resources, facilities, judgment and efficiency.
The board may investigate the "responsibleness" of any bidder by using information at hand to form an intelligent judgment, such as the district's architect, previous clients of the bidder, their own investigation, or an outside investigation agency.
Withdrawal of Bids
Any bid may be withdrawn and/or corrected prior to the scheduled time for opening of bids and no later than two days after the bids have been opened if a non-judgmental error has been made. Any bid received after the publicized date and time shall not be considered by the board.
Rejection of Bids
The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to ask for new bids. This reservation shall be specified in the publication or notification of bid letting.
The board reserves the right to waive any informalities in, or reject any parts of a bid.
Multi-State Purchasing Pools
The board may participate in multi-state purchasing pools.
Approved: May 18, 2009