BCBF: Rules of Order

The board shall be governed by laws and rules adopted by the board. Robert's Rules of Order shall not be adopted by the board.

The president (or vice president in the absence of the president) shall preside at all meetings. The president shall present each agenda item for discussion or designate the superintendent or other staff member to present the agenda item. If both president and vice president are absent, the members present shall elect a president pro tempore who shall serve only for that meeting or for that part of the meeting in which the president and vice president are absent.

Any board member who wishes to make a motion, second a motion, or discuss pending business shall first secure recognition of the board president.

All formal board actions shall be taken by ordinary motions unless a formal resolution is required by law.

It shall not be necessary for a motion to be before the board to discuss an agenda item which has been presented by the board president for consideration. In the ordinary course of events, the board shall discuss all matters other than routine procedural questions prior to the making of a motion so reaching of consensus may be facilitated.

The following motions shall be in order:

  • To recess;
  • To take action;
  • To amend a motion to take action, but such amending motion will be disposed of before any other motion to amend the main motion will be in order;
  • To defer action, either finally or to a specific time, date and place;
  • To go into executive session; and
  • To adjourn, either finally or to a specific time, date and place.

The president may call a meeting to order or, without objection from a majority of the board, call for a break or adjourn the meeting without a motion.

Approved: February 2, 2009