Alternative Education Program

Washburn Rural's Alternative Education Program exists to provide students an opportunity for success in a small learning environment. It serves students who are committed to academic improvement and provides academic instruction and intervention along with social-emotional supports and post-secondary planning. We hold high expectations for our students. We believe it is vital our students value and demonstrate productivity, good attendance, mutual respect, and a desire to graduate from high school.

The Alternative Education Program is located on the second floor of WRHS and serves about 60 students per year. It has an administrator, counselor, social worker, and four core teachers. We keep parents/guardians updated and informed by phone once a month at minimum. Information will be relayed regarding the student's attendance, behaviors, current grades, missing work, after school opportunities, high school credits, test results, upcoming events, and any other applicable topics.


All Washburn Rural Alternative Education Program courses are aligned with Washburn Rural High School courses and satisfy the graduation requirements of Auburn-Washburn. Course grades, along with attendance, are posted to Campus Portal and may be viewed by students and parents at any time.

Students who participate in the Washburn Rural Alternative Education Program must meet the graduation requirements of Washburn Rural High School and have the opportunity to earn additional credit through work study, volunteering, Edgenuity (online program designed to provide students the opportunity to recover course credit), and personal wellness (counseling, therpay, etc.). Students completing all requirements receive a diploma from Washburn Rural High School and have the opportunity to walk in the May commencement ceremony.

Process for Applying

  1. A counselor or administrator will make a recommendation to the student and to the student's guardian for the alternative education program based on individual need, utilization of supports/interventions, and school performance.
  2. An application must be completed and required documentation attached.
  3. Alternative education staff will schedule an interview after receiving all information required for the application. The interview will include the student, parents/guardians, and the alternative education program administrator and counselor.
  4. An accepted student will begin alternative education at the beginning of the semester or the next nine-week period.