Auburn-Washburn USD 437

Community Curriculum Portal

Table of Contents

Our Curriculum Development Process

Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum

Auburn-Washburn USD 437 believes that a guaranteed and viable curriculum is our promise to our students, community, and colleagues that we will provide an exemplary and world-class education.  While this may seem "over-the-top," when followed as it is designed, the curriculum has enormous power.  We believe that a tightly-aligned curriculum, taught by teachers who have deep knowledge of the curriculum and who can assess it to provide meaningful instructional feedback, can provide a world-class education for all learners.

In our district, we use a written curriculum document as the foundation of what is to be taught in the classroom.  When writing the document, we use a collaborative process to develop the curriculum, developing a deep understanding of learning expectations through unpacking, and prioritizing the learning to guide teachers to effectively and efficiently teach and appropriately target interventions.  The information on this website focuses on the curriculum development processes outlined in the "We WRITE It" portion of the curriculum triangle.

Most importantly, a viable written curriculum provides a usable document teachers use as a guide for teaching.  This teaching occurs using the district's instructional sequence and best practices with planning and instruction driven by the written curriculum.  When our "best first shot" is not enough for some learners, we use response to intervention to identify skills in need of support and provide necessary interventions.  Our interventions are based on prioritized curriculum and student skills development.

To determine how much our students are learning, both during and following a unit of instruction, we conduct common assessments based on our prioritized curriculum.  Since Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) use curriculum as a basis of questions one (What do we want students to learn?) and two (How do we know if they know it?), conversations about data are based on common curriculum and curriculum common assessments, making collaboration useful and efficient.  Finally, because our curriculum is tightly-aligned to state standards, state assessments will provide us useful and actionable data.

Figure 1, see below, illustrates the importance of a guaranteed and viable curriculum and how it informs our instructional system in Auburn-Washburn USD 437.

Curriculum Development Process

Our curriculum revision process is a standards-driven, assessment embedded, inclusive process for aligning local curriculum to standards in all disciplines.  While generally a linear process, components of this process may be adjusted or interchanged.  The goal of the process is deep alignment, with every teacher understanding the intention and the context of each indicator in the standards document to an extent which allows him or her to effectively implement the curriculum.  The components of the process are as follows:

District Curriculum Committees

District Curriculum Committees (DCCs) are groups of teachers who come together to create curriculum and implementation plans during significant curriculum development initiatives.   In many ways, DCCs function as would specialized Professional Learning Communities (PLCs).  Teachers selected are those willing to build and expand skills and knowledge of the relevant content area and who can be expected to facilitate a portion of the implementation and professional development of the newly-composed curriculum.

English Language Arts and Communication



Physical Education


Social Studies

Visual Arts

World Languages

Career and Technical Education

CTE Course Competencies

All CTE courses are directly taught from KSDE Career and Technical Education Course Competencies.  These competencies are available from the Kansas State Department of Education website.