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Auburn-Washburn Comprehensive Student Engagement Survey
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) and Strengthening People and Revitalizing Kansas (SPARK) funding have provided federal dollars to the Auburn-Washburn School District to address COVID-19 preparedness and student learning during the pandemic as well as student recovery following the pandemic. The purpose of this comprehensive engagement survey is to provide the opportunity for stakeholders in our school community to share feedback on how we have spent these federal dollars thus far as well as to provide the opportunity for input on how to spend remaining ESSERS dollars to address student learning and recovery moving forward. It is important to note that ESSERS funding is designated for one-time or short-term expenditures. ESSERS funding must be spent by September 2024.
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* Indicates required question
The following stakeholder categories were identified by the U.S. Department of Education for this survey. Are you responding to this survey primarily as a:
Staff Member
Community Member
Civil Rights Organization Member
Stakeholder representing the interests of children with disabilities, English learners, children experiencing homelessness, children in foster care, migrant students, or other underserved students.
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